1、[ccf-a类期刊, jcr 2区] yongli cheng, hong jiang, fang wang, yu hua, dan feng,.using high-bandwidth networks efficiently for fast graph computation. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems(tpds), 2019, 30(5):1170-1183
2、[ccf-c类期刊, jcr 1区] yongli cheng, hong jiang, fang wang, yu hua, dan feng. a highly cost-ffective task scheduling strategy for very large graph computation, future generati on computer systems(fgcs)2018, 89(2018):698-712
3、[ccf-a类会议] yongli cheng, hong jiang, fang wang, yu hua, dan feng, blitzg: exploiting high-bandwidth networks for fast graph processing, infocom(ieee international conference on computer communications ) 2017.
4、[ccf-b类会议] yongli cheng, fang wang, hong jiang, yu hua, dan feng, xiuneng wang, dd-graph: a highly cost-effective distributed disk-based graph-processing framework, hpdc(acm international symposium on high-performance distributed computing ) 2016.
5、[ccf-b类会议] yongli cheng, fang wang, hong jiang, yu hua, dan feng, xiuneng wang, lcc-graph: a high-performance graph-processing framework with low communication cost,iwqos(ieee/acm international symposium on quality of service ) 2016.
6、[ccf-c类期, jcr 3区] yongli cheng, fang wang, hong jiang, yu hua, dan feng, jun zhou, lingling zhang, a communication-reduced and computation-balanced framework for fast graph computation,fcs(frontiers of computer science) 2017, 12(5): 887-907
7、[ccf-b类会议] xianghao xu, fang wang, hong jiang, yongli cheng yu hua, dan feng and yongxun zhang, hus-graph: i/o-efficient out-of-core graph processing with hybrid update strategy, icpp (international conference on parallel processing) 2018.
8、[ccf-b类会议] xianghao xu, fang wang, hong jiang, yongli cheng, yu hua, dan feng, yongxuan zhang, losc: efficient out-of-core graph processing with locality-optimized subgraph construction. iwqos 2019: 34:1-34:10
9、[ccf-a类期刊, jcr 2区] tingwei zhu, dan feng, fang wang, yu hua, qingyu shi, jiahao liu, yongli cheng, yong wang, efficient anonymous communication in sdn-based data center networks, ieee/acm transactions on networking(ton) 2017, 25(6): 3767~3780
10、[ccf-a类期刊, jcr 2区] xianghao xu, fang wang, hong jiang, yongli cheng yu hua, dan a hybrid update strategy for i/o-efficient out-of-core graph processing, ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems(tpds), 2020,31(8):1767~1782
11、[ccf-b类会议] xianghao xu , fang wang , hong jiang , yongli cheng , dan feng, yongxuan zhang, peng fang graphcp: an i/o-efficient concurrent graph processing framework[c]//2021 ieee/acm 29th international symposium on quality of service (iwqos). ieee, 2021: 1-10.