


来源:     发布日期:2023-04-05    浏览次数:








1. 国家自然科学基金区域联合重点项目,跨网络跨媒体两岸热点事件的智能挖掘与推荐(u21a20472),260万,2022.1-2025.12,负责人

2. 国家科技部重点研发计划课题,符合三维视觉特性的光场显示评价机制(2021yfb3600503),345万,2022.1-2025.12,负责人

3. 福建省科技重大专项,智能化视频图像分析关键技术研发及示范应用(2021hz022007),400万,2022.1-2024.12,负责人

4. 国家教育部,政务大数据应用省部共建协同创新中心(教科信厅函〔2022〕4号),1500万,2022.1-2025.12,负责人

5. 福建省特级人才后备支持项目,跨媒体大数据智能分析关键技术与产业化,500万,2023.1-2026.12,负责人

6. 福建省教育厅,福建省高校数字经济学科联盟建设,800万,2022.1-2024.12,共同负责人

7. 福建拓尔通软件有限公司,福州大学福建拓尔通软件有限公司大数据与智慧政务联合研究院,1000万,2022-2025,院长


1. 中央引导地方科技发展专项资金,福建省大数据分析与处理工程研究中心——福大星云大数据技术产学研创新平台,120万,2019.9-2021.12,负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金海峡联合基金重点项目,面向两岸热点事件的社交多媒体大数据协同感知与计算(u1705262),250万,2018.1-2021.12,合作单位负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金项目,群智感知车联网的高效数据融合与交通流预测研究(61672159),74万,2017.1-2020.12,负责人

4. 福建省大数据分析与处理工程研究中心,福建省发改委平台建设,500万,2018-2020,负责人

5. 数字福建大数据基础技术福州研究院,福建省发改委平台建设,400万,2018-2020,负责人

6. 福建省杰出青年科学基金滚动项目,群智感知车联网任务分配与数据融合策略,40万,2018.1-2020.12,负责人

7. 中央财政支持地方高校建设项目,计算机科学与技术学科科研与专业实践平台建设(校发规〔2017〕11号),250万,2017.9-2019.9,负责人

8. 福建省教育厅,海西政务大数据应用协同创新中心(闽教高科〔2015〕75号),1500万,2015.1-2019.12,负责人

9. 国家自然科学基金项目,无线传感器网络中任务调度的并行联盟生成与博弈分配策略(61103175),21万,2012.1-2014.12,负责人

10. 国家教育部科技重点项目,动态拓扑下wsn任务调度中多目标优化问题的算法研究(212086),7.5万,2012.1-2014.12,负责人

11. 福建省科技领军人才计划项目,基于实时计算的海量移动数据分析与挖掘技术,80万,2018.1-2021.12,负责人

12. 福建省杰出青年科学基金项目,大规模异构负载数据中心的资源管理与优化(2014j06017),25万,2014.1-2016.12,负责人

13. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目,基于qos的wsn容错任务调度机制研究(ja12016),7万,2013.1-2015.12,负责人

14. 福建省高校新世纪人才支持计划项目,无线传感网动态容错任务调度机制与算法研究(ja13021),10万,2013.7-2016.6,负责人

15. 福建省发改委产业技术联合创新项目,跨媒体大数据的云服务关键技术研究与产业化(闽发改投资[2014]482号),400万,2014.5-2016.12,负责人

16. 福州大学高水平大学优势学科建设项目,大数据分析的理论、算法和应用优势特色方向推进计划(校发规[2016]3号),300万,2016.5-2017.12,负责人

17. 福建省发改委产业技术联合创新项目,面向企业的通用大数据处理软件研发与产业化(闽发改高技[2015]518号),300万,2015.4-2017.3,联合牵头单位负责人


1. 郭文忠,董晨,等.网络空间安全概论.清华大学出版社, 2022.9. isbn 978-7-302-62881-1.

2.郭文忠,陈国龙.离散粒子群优化算法及其应用.清华大学出版社, 2012.5. isbn 978-7-302-28348-5.

3. 刘耿耿,郭文忠.超大规模集成电路布线设计理论与算法.清华大学出版社, 2022.5. isbn 978-7-302-59943-2.

4. 刘耿耿,黄兴,郭文忠.非曼哈顿结构下超大规模集成电路布线理论与算法.清华大学出版社, 2022.4. isbn 978-7-302-59944-9.

5. hehong zhang, gaoxi xiao, yunde xie,wenzhong guo, chao zhai. tracking differentiator algorithms - theories, implementations and applications.717, springer, 2021. isbn 978-981-15-9383-3.

6. hongju cheng, guolong chen,wenzhong guo. data gathering and data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. ad hoc and sensor wireless network: architecture, algorithms and protocols,bentham science publishers ltd, 2009. 108-118. eisbn: 978-1-60805-018-5. (book chapter).


1. shunxin xiao,shiping wang,wenzhong guo*,sgae: stacked graph autoencoder for deep clustering,ieee transactions on big data, 9(1), pp. 254-266, 2023.

2. kun guo, zhanhong chen, xu lin, ling wu, zhihui zhan, yuzhong chen,wenzhong guo*, community detection based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization and graph attention variational autoencoder,ieee transactions on big data, 9(2), pp. 569-583, 2023.

3. xing huang, youlin pan, zhen chen,wenzhong guo*, lu wang, qingshan li, robert wille, tsung-yi ho, and ulf schlichtmann,design automation for continuous-flow lab-on-a-chip systems: a one-pass paradigm,ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 42(1), pp.327-331, 2023.

4. yang yang, robert h. deng,wenzhong guo*, hongju cheng, xiangyang luo, xianghan zheng, chunming rong,dual traceable distributed attribute-based searchable encryption and ownership transfer,ieee trans. cloud comput.,11(1), pp. 247-262, 2023.

5. yanhua liu, zhihuang liu*, ximeng liu,wenzhong guo,a web back-end database leakage incident reconstruction framework over unlabeled logs,ieee trans. emerg. top. comput, 11(1), pp. 237-252, 2023.

6. xing huang, tsung-yi ho,wenzhong guo*, bing li, krishnendu chakrabarty, ulf schlichtmann, computer-aided design techniques for flow-based microfluidic lab-on-a-chip systems,acm computer survey, 54(5), pp. 97:1-97:29, 2022.

7. mingyuan fan, yang liu, cen chen, shengxing yu,wenzhong guo*, li wang, ximeng liu*,toward evaluating the reliability of deep-neural-network-based iot devices,ieee internet things j, 9(18), pp. 17002-17013, 2022.

8. huan luo, lingkai li, lina fang, hanyun wang*, cheng wang,wenzhong guo, jonathan li,domain adaptation for object classification in point clouds via asymmetrical siamese and conditional adversarial network,ieee geosci. remote. sens. lett,19, pp.1-5, 2022.

9. qian weng, hao chen, hongli chen,wenzhong guo, zhengyuan mao,a multisensor data fusion model for semantic segmentation in aerial images,ieee geosci. remote. sens. lett,19, pp.1-5, 2022.

10. xing huang,wenzhong guo*, zhisheng chen, bing li, tsung-yi ho, ulf schlichtmann, flow-based microfluidic biochips with distributed channel storage: synthesis, physical design, and wash optimization,ieee transactions on computers(tc), 71(2), pp. 464,-478, 2022.

11. genggeng liu, xinghai zhang,wenzhong guo,xing huang*, wen-hao liu, kai-yuan chao, ting-chi wang, timing-aware layer assignment for advanced process technologies considering via pillars,ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems,41(6), pp. 1957-1970, 2022.

12. xing huang, youlin pan, grace li zhang*, bing li,wenzhong guo, tsung-yi ho, ulf schlichtmann, pathdriver : enhanced path-driven architecture design for flow-based microfluidic biochips,ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 41(7), pp.2185-2198, 2022.

13. xing huang, tsung-yi ho, zepeng li, genggeng liu, lu wu, qingshan li,wenzhong guo*, bing li, ulf schlichtmann,minicontrol 2.0: co-synthesis of flow and control layers for microfluidic biochips with strictly constrained control ports,ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 41(12), pp.5449-5463, 2022.

14. ling he,wenzhong guo, yuzhong chen, kun guo*, qifeng zhuang, discovering overlapping communities in dynamic networks based on cascade information diffusion,ieee trans. comput. soc. syst., 9(3), pp.794-806, 2022.

15. xiao ke, hao liu,wenzhong guo*, baitao chen, yuhang cai, weibin chen, joint sample enhancement and instance-sensitive feature learning for efficient person search,ieee trans. circuits syst. video technol., 32(11), pp. 7924-7937, 2022.

16. fangfang luo, genggeng liu,wenzhong guo*, guolong chen, naixue xiong, ml-kelm: a kernel extreme learning machine scheme for multi-label classification of real time data stream in siot,ieee trans. netw. sci. eng., 9(3), pp. 1044-1055, 2022.

17.wenzhong guo, sihuang lian, chen dong, zhenyi chen,xing huang, a survey on security of digital microfluidic biochips: technology, attack, and defense, acm trans. design autom. electr. syst., 27(4), pp. 40:1-40:33, 2022.

18. zhiyong yu, lei han, chao chen,wenzhong guo, zhiwen yu*, object tracking by the least spatiotemporal searches,ieee internet things, 8(16), pp. 12934-12946, 2021.

19. huan luo, quan zheng, cheng wang,wenzhong guo*, boundary-aware and semiautomatic segmentation of 3-d object in point clouds.ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 18(5), pp. 910-914, 2021.

20. xiao ke, yuezhou li, yu ye,wenzhong guo*. template enhancement and mask generation for siamese tracking,ieee signal processing letters, 28, pp. 279 - 283, 2021.

21. yuchang mo*, liudong xing, yi-kuei lin,wenzhong guo, efficient analysis of repairable computing systems subject to scheduled checkpointing,ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, 18(1), pp.1-14, 2021.

22. yuzhen niu, jianbin wu, wenxi liu*,wenzhong guo, rynson w.h. lau, hdr-gan: hdr image reconstruction from multi-exposed ldr images with large motions,ieee transactions on image processing, 30, pp. 3885 – 3896, 2021.

23.wenzhong guo, jiawei chen, weipeng wang, huan luo, and shiping wang*. three-dimensional object co-localization from mobile lidar point clouds,ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems,22(4), pp. 1996-2007, 2021.

24.wenzhong guo,yiqing shi, shiping wang*,a unified scheme for distance metric learning and clustering via rank-reduced regression,ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems,51(8), pp. 5218-5229, 2021.

25. xing huang, tsung-yi ho, krishnendu chakrabarty,wenzhong guo*, timing-driven flow-channel network construction for continuous-flow microfluidic biochips,ieeetransactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 39(6), pp. 1314-1327, 2020.

26. yang yang, xianghan zheng, chunming rong,wenzhong guo, efficient regular language search for secure cloud storage,ieee transactions on cloud computing, 8(3), pp. 805-818, 2020.

27. yang yang, ximeng liu, xianghan zheng, chunming rong,wenzhong guo, efficient traceable authorization search system for secure cloud storage,ieee transactions on cloud computing, 8(3), pp. 819-832, 2020.

28. zhirong shen, patrick p. c. lee, jiwu shu*, andwenzhong guo, cross-rack-aware single failure recovery for clustered file systems,ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, 17(2), pp. 248-261, 2020

29. yuzhen niu, guanchao long, wenxi liu*,wenzhong guo, shengfeng he, boundary-aware rgbd salient object detection with cross-modal feature sampling,ieee transactions on image processing, 29, pp. 9496-9507, 2020.

30. youshen xia, jun wang,wenzhong guo,two reduced-dimension projection neural networks for nonlinear programming,ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems,31(6), pp.2020-2029, 2020.

31.wenzhong guo,yiqing shi, shiping wang*, neal n. xiong, an unsupervised embedding learning feature representation scheme for network big data analysis,ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 7(1), pp. 115-126, 2020.

32. yuchang mo, liudong xing,wenzhong guo, shaobin cai, zhao zhang, jianhui jiang, reliability analysis of iot networks with community structures,ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 7(1), pp. 304-315, 2020.

33.wenzhong guo,jiayin li, ximeng liu, yang yang, privacy-preserving compressive sensing for real-time traffic monitoring in urban city,ieee transactions on vehicular technology,69(12), pp.14510-14522, 2020.

34. huan luo, cheng wang, yiqian wen,wenzhong guo, 3-d object classification in heterogeneous point clouds via bag-of-words and joint distribution adaption,ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, 16(12), pp.1909-1913, 2019.

35. shiping wang, jinyu cai, qihao lin,wenzhong guo*, an overview of unsupervised deep feature representation for text categorization,ieee transactions on computational social systems, 6(3), pp. 504-517, 2019.

36. yongli cheng, hong jiang, fang wang, yu hua, dan feng,wenzhong guo, yunxiang wu,using high-bandwidth networks efficiently for fast graph computation,ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems,30(5), pp. 1170-1183, 2019.

37. xiao ke, lingfeng shi,wenzhong guo*, dewang chen, multi-dimensional traffic congestion detection based on fusion of visual features and convolutional neural network,ieee transactions intelligent transportation systems, 20(6), pp. 2157-2170, 2019.

38. zhirong shen, patrick p. c. lee, jiwu shu, andwenzhong guo*,correlation-aware stripe organization for efficient writes in erasure-coded storage: algorithms and evaluation,ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems,30(7), pp. 1552-1564, 2019.

39.wenzhong guo, bing lin*, guolong chen, yuzhong chen, feng liang, cost-driven scheduling for deadline-based workflow in multiclouds,ieee transactions on network and service management, 15(4), pp. 1571-1585, 2018.

40. zhirong shen, patrick p. c. lee, jiwu shu, andwenzhong guo*, encoding-aware data placement for efficient degraded reads in xor-coded storage systems: algorithms and evaluation,ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 29(12), pp.2757-2770, 2018.

41. yuzhen niu, yan yang,wenzhong guo*, lening lin, region-aware image denoising by exploring parameter preference,ieee trans. on circuits and systems for video technology, 28(9), pp. 2433-2438, 2018.

42. yuzhen niu, haifeng zhang,wenzhong guo *, rongrong ji, image quality assessment for color correction based on color contrast similarity and color value difference.ieee trans. on circuits and systems for video technology, 28(4), pp. 849-862, 2018.

43. shiping wang,wenzhong guo*, sparse multi-graph embedding for multimodal feature representation,ieee transaction on multimedia, 19(7), pp. 1454-1466, 2017.

44. xing huang,wenzhong guo*, genggeng liu, and guolong chen, fh-oaos:a fast 4-step heuristic for obstacle-avoiding octilinear architecture router construction,acm transactions on design automation of electronic system, 21(3), article 48, 30 pages, 2016.

45. bin lin, wenzhong guo *, naixue xiong*, guolong chen, athanasios v. vasilakos, hong zhang, a pretreatment workflow scheduling approach for big data applications in multi-cloud environments,ieee transactions on network and service management, 13(3), pp. 581-594, 2016.

46.wenzhong guo, jie li, guolong chen *, yuzhen niu, and chengyu chen, a pso-optimized real-time fault-tolerant task allocation algorithm in wireless sensor networks,ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems.26(12), pp. 3236-3249, 2015.

47. xing huang,genggeng liu,wenzhong guo*, yuzhen niu, guolong chen,obstacle-avoiding algorithm in x-architecture based on discrete particle swarm optimization for vlsi design,acm transactions on design automation of electronic systems, 20(2), article 24, 28 pages, 2015.

48. genggeng liu, xing huang,wenzhong guo*, yuzhen niu, guolong chen, multilayer obstacle-avoiding x-architecture steiner minimal tree construction based on particle swarm optimization,ieee transactions on cybernetics, 45(5), pp. 989-1002, 2015.
