论文 (通信作者)
privacy-preserving outsourced calculation toolkit in the cloud, ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank a)
privacy-preserving outsourced clinical decision support system in the cloud, ieee transactions on services computing, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank b)
privacy-preserving outsourced support vector machine design for secure drug discovery, ieee transactions on cloud computing, publish online, (jcr:q1)
hybrid privacy-preserving clinical decision support system in fog-cloud computing, future generation computer systems, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank c)
论文 (第一作者)
conjunctive keyword search with designated tester and timing enabled proxy re-encryption function for e-health clouds, ieee transactions on information forensics and security, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 746-759. (jcr:q1, ccf rank a)
lightweight sharable and traceable secure mobile health system, ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank a)
multi-user multi-keyword rank search over encrypted data in arbitrary language, ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank a) (most popular article)
flexible wildcard searchable encryption system, ieee transactions on services computing, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank b)
lightweight break-glass access control system for healthcare internet-of-things, ieee transactions on industrial informatics, publish online, (jcr:q1)
efficient regular language search for secure cloud storage, ieee transactions on cloud computing, publish online, (jcr:q1)
efficient traceable search authorization mechanism for secure cloud storage, ieee transactions on cloud computing, publish online, (jcr:q1)
expressive query over outsourced encrypted data, information sciences, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank b)
privacy-preserving smart iot-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control system, information sciences, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank b)
cross-domain dynamic anonymous authenticated group key management with symptom-matching for e-health social system, future generation computer systems, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank c)
privacy-preserving fusion of iot and big data for e-health, future generation computer systems, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank c)
lightweight distributed secure data management system for health internet of things. journal of network and computer applications, publish online, (jcr:q1, ccf rank c)
broadcast encryption based non-interactive key distribution in manets. journal of computer and system sciences, vol.80, no. 3, pp. 533-545, 2014. (jcr:q2,ccf rank b)
lattice assumption based fuzzy information retrieval scheme support multi-user for secure multimedia cloud, multimedia tools and applications, publish online, (jcr:q2, ccf rank c)
semantic keyword searchable proxy re-encryption for post-quantum secure cloud storage, concurrency and computation: practice and experience, publish online, (jcr:q3, ccf rank c)
efficient identity-based key encapsulation scheme with wildcards for email systems, international journal of communication systems, 2014, vol.27, no. 1, pp. 171-183. (jcr:q3)
chinese multi-keyword fuzzy rank search over encrypted cloud data based on locality-sensitive hashing, journal of information science and engineering, publish online, (jcr:q4)
post-quantum secure public key broadcast encryption with keyword search, journal of information science and engineering, 2017, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 485-497. (jcr:q4)
semantic searchable encryption scheme based on lattice in quantum-era, journal of information science and engineering, 2016, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 425-438. (jcr:q4)
an efficient group key agreement scheme for mobile ad-hoc networks. international arab journal of information technology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 10-17, 2013. (jcr:q4)
an efficient biometric identity based signature scheme. ksii transactions on internet and information systems, vol.7, no. 8, pp. 2010-2016, 2013. (jcr:q4)
cca2 secure biometric identity based encryption with constant-size ciphertext. journal of zhejiang university-science c, 2011, 12(10): 819-827. (jcr:q4)
attribute-based data retrieval with semantic keyword search for e-health cloud,journal of cloud computing: advances, systems and applications, 2015, vol. 4, no. 1, 10, 1-6. (ei期刊)
加密云数据下基于simhash的模糊排序搜索方案, 计算机学报, 2017, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 431-444. (ei期刊, 中国密码学会 rank c)
云计算中快速的多关键词语义排序搜索方案, 计算机学报, publish online, (ei期刊, 中国密码学会 rank c)
排序可验证的语义模糊可搜索加密方案, 工程科学与技术, publish online, (ei期刊)
具有细粒度访问控制的隐藏关键词检索方案,通信学报, 第34卷, 第z1期, 92-100页, 2013, (ei期刊)
标准模型下可证明安全的分级身份签名方案. 西安交通大学学报, 2011: 45(2), 27-33. (ei期刊)
具有短公开参数的基于分级身份的签名方案. 华南理工大学学报: 自然科学版. 2010 (12):84-89. (ei期刊)
time-based conjunctive keyword search with proxy re-encryption for ehr cloud, 中国密码学会年会, 杭州, 2016.09.23-24.
type based keyword search for securing big data, international conference on cloud computing and big data, fuzhou, 2013.12.16-19, presentation. (ei检索)
proxy re-encryption conjunctive keyword search against keyword guessing attack, ieee computers, communications and it applications conference, pp. 125-130, hongkong, 2013.04.01-04. (ei检索)
a communication efficient group key distribution scheme for manets. international conference on network and system security, 2012, pp. 361-372. (ei检索)
new construction of identity-based encryption with wildcards. international conference on electronic and mechanical engineering and information technology, 2011, vol. 9, pp. 4728-31. (ei检索)
发明专利 (第一发明人)
无密钥托管的安全多关键词排序检索系统, 申请号: 201810153413.1.
安全云存储中的正则语言检索系统, 申请号: 201710888030.4.
一种排序可验证的语义模糊可搜索加密方法, 申请号: 201710181693.2.
一种云计算中保护数据隐私的快速多关键词语义排序搜索方法, 申请号: 201710181664.6.
抗后量子攻击的代理重加密语义可搜索加密方法, 申请号: 201710200927.3.
安全多媒体云存储中基于格的多用户模糊可搜索加密方法, 申请号: 201710200885.3.
基于局部敏感哈希的中文多关键词密文搜索系统, 申请号: 2017103874932.
移动电子医疗中具有叛逆者追踪功能的可搜索加密系统, 申请号: 201710387181.1.
基于病症的跨域动态匿名认证群组密钥管理方法及系统, 申请号: 201710397579.3.
支持紧急接入访问控制和安全去重的跨域医疗云存储系统, 申请号: 201711051952.6.
云存储安全中基于通配符的可搜索加密系统, 申请号: 201710422815.2.
基于物联网的安全医疗大数据系统, 申请号: 201711346964.1.
支持任意语言查询的多用户多关键词排序可搜索加密系统, 申请号: 201710614034.3.
医疗物联网中的轻量级双重访问控制系统, 申请号: 201710798569.0.
安全云存储中的加密数据检索系统, 申请号: 201711077230.8.
一种加密云数据下基于simhash的模糊排序搜索方法, 申请号: 2016108681077.
排序可验证的语义模糊可搜索加密系统v1.0,开发完成日期2016年07月13日,授权日期2017年07月07日,登记号: 2017sr353027, 证书号:软著登字第1938311号,no. 01782733。
基于simhash的模糊排序可搜索加密系统v1.0,开发完成日期2016年03月20日,授权日期2017年07月20日,登记号: 2017sr386319, 证书号:软著登字第1971603号,no. 01830743。
云计算中保护数据隐私的快速多关键词语义排序搜索系统v2.1,开发完成日期2016年06月15日,授权日期2017年07月10日,登记号: 2017sr354568, 证书号:软著登字第1939852号,no. 01796439。
支持语义和布尔查询的高效可搜索加密系统v1.0,开发完成日期2016年12月28日,授权日期2017年08月11日,登记号: 2017sr441471, 证书号:软著登字第2026755号,no. 01885925。
基于局部敏感哈希的中文多关键词密文搜索系统v1.0,开发完成日期2017年5月1日,授权日期2017年08月14日,登记号: 2017sr444082, 证书号:软著登字第2029366号,no. 01889401。
模糊关键字密文搜索系统v1.0,开发完成日期2015年05月15日,授权日期2017年09月22日,登记号: 2017sr538378, 证书号:软著登字第2123662号,no. 01992436。
基于android的语义模糊关键字保密搜索系统v1.0,开发完成日期2015年06月08日,授权日期2017年11月23日,登记号: 2017sr644709, 证书号:软著登字第2229993号,no. 02107490。