


来源:     发布日期:2023-09-01    浏览次数:



陈福海,男,校特聘副研究员,于2023年秋加入福建省网络计算与智能信息处理重点实验室、福建省智慧地铁重点实验室。主要研究兴趣是计算机视觉,自然语言处理,视觉-语言内容理解、感知以及推理,因果关系学习,多模态知识表示与学习,多媒体分析,机器学习,深度学习,多模态大语言模型,智能人机交互,多模态情绪/情感分析,多模态医学图文分析等。在neurips、cvpr、acm mm、aaai、information processing and management、ieee transactions on multimedia、ieee transactions on affective computing等国际顶级期刊和会议上发表多篇论文,申请并授权发明专利多项。担任ieee tmm、acm tomm、pattern recognition等国际顶级期刊审稿人。miccai 2019挑战赛组织委员会成员。国际期刊electronics编辑。福州数据技术研究院有限公司合作专家。



实验室:智能计算与信息安全处理实验室,多媒体感知与理解实验室(multi-media perception and understanding,mmpu






办公地址: 福州大学(旗山校区)计算机与大数据学院2号楼409。





  • 2023.01 ~ 2023.07, 香港理工大学,计算机系,博士后研究员,合作导师:wenjie li教授

  • 2021.10 ~ 2022.10,香港大学,计算机科学系,博士后研究员,合作导师:王文平教授

  • 2021.08 ~ 2021.09,香港大学深圳研究院,研究助理,合作导师:王文平教授

  • 2020.10 ~ 2021.07,新加坡国立大学,计算机科学系,研究员,合作导师:angela yao助理教授

  • 2014.09 ~ 2020.09,厦门大学,信息学院,智能科学与技术专业,博士(硕博连读),导师:纪荣嵘教授

  • 2010.09 ~ 2014.06,厦门大学,信息学院,智能科学与技术专业,本科



  • 2024-2026,面向开放场景的多模态人机交互知识协同感知与高效计算研究,福建省中青年教师教育科研项目-重点项目,主持;

  • 2021-2024,基于弱监督学习的机载地/海小目标检测研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与;

  • 2019-2021,基于生成对抗模型的鲁棒人脸画像合成研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 参与;

  • 2018-2019,高可信强智能的心脑血管疾病诊疗服务模式威尼斯144777cm的解决方案,国家重点研发计划,参与;

  • 2017-2019,中央军委科技委战略前沿专项,参与;

  • 2015-2016,面向两岸热点事件的社交多媒体大数据协同感知与计算,国家自然科学基金重点项目海峡基金,参与;

  • 2014-2015,面向社交平台的跨媒体舆情感知技术研究,中科院自动化所开放课题基金,参与。




  1. xuri ge, songpei xu, fuhai chen*, jie wang, guoxin wang, shan an, joemon m. jose. 3shnet: boosting image–sentence retrieval via visual semantic–spatial self-highlighting. information processing and management, 61(4), 103716, 2024. (中科院一区)

  2. yinqi zhang, lingfu jiang, fuhai chen, jiao xie, baochang zhang, gaoqi he, shaohui lin. segcft: context-aware fourier transform for efficient semantic segmentation. neurocomputing, 596(1), 127946, 2024. (中科院二区)

  3. xuri ge, fuhai chen*, songpei xu, fuxiang tao. cross-modal semantic enhanced interaction for image-sentence retrieval. winter conference on applications of computer vision, 2023 (wacv 2023).

  4. xuri ge, fuhai chen, joemon jose, zhilong ji, zhongqin wu, xiao liu. structured multi-modal feature embedding and alignment for image-sentence retrieval. acm international conference on multimedia, 5185-5193, 2021 (acm mm 2021). (ccf-a类)

  5. mingliang xu, fuhai chen, lu li, chen shen, pei lv, bing zhou, rongrong ji. bio-inspired deep attribute learning towards facial aesthetic prediction. ieee transactions on affective computing, 12(1): 227-238, 2021. (中科院一区)

  6. jiayi ji, yunpeng luo, xiaoshuai sun, fuhai chen, gen luo, yongjian wu, yue gao, rongrong ji. improving image captioning by leveraging intra- and inter-layer global representation in transformer network. proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence, 35(2): 1655-1663, 2021 (aaai 2021). (ccf-a)

  7. haotong zhang, fuhai chen, angela yao. weakly-supervised dense action anticipation. the british machine vision conference, 2021 (bmvc 2021). (ccf-c)

  8. jiayi ji, xiaoshuai sun, yiyi zhou, rongrong ji, fuhai chen, jianzhuang liu, qi tian. attacking image captioning towards accuracy-preserving target words removal. acm international conference on multimedia, 4226-4234, 2020 (acm mm 2020). (ccf-a)

  9. fuhai chen, rongrong ji, jiayi ji, xiaoshuai sun, baochang zhang, xuri ge, yongjian wu, feiyue huang, yan wang. variational structured semantic inference for diverse image captioning. advances in neural information processing systems, 32, 2019 (neurips 2019). (ccf-a)

  10. rongrong ji, fuhai chen, liujuan cao, yue gao. cross-modality microblog sentiment prediction via bi-layer multimodal hypergraph learning. ieee transactions on multimedia, 21(4): 1062-1075, 2019.  (中科院一区)

  11. xuri ge, fuhai chen, chen shen, rongrong ji. colloquial image captioning. ieee international conference on multimedia and expo, 356-361, 2019 (icme 2019). (ccf-b)

  12. fuhai chen, rongrong ji, xiaoshuai sun, yongjian wu, jinsong su. groupcap: group-based image captioning with structured relevance and diversity constraints. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1345-135, 2018 (cvpr 2018).(ccf-a)

  13. fuhai chen, rongrong ji, jinsong su, donglin cao, and yue gao. predicting microblog sentiments via weakly supervised multi-modal deep learning. ieee transactions on multimedia, 20(4): 997-1007, 2018. (中科院一区)

  14. zongyue liu, fuhai chen, jinsong su, chen shen, rongrong ji. topic-guided automatical human-simulated tweeting system. pacific rim international conference on artificial intelligence, 416-428, 2018 (pricai 2018).(ccf-b)

  15. fuhai chen, rongrong ji, jinsong su, yongjian wu, yunsheng wu. structcap: structured semantic embedding for image captioning. acm international conference on multimedia, 46-54, 2017 (acm mm 2017).(ccf-a)

  16. fuhai chen, rongrong ji, liujuan cao. multimodal learning for view-based 3d object classification. neurocomputing, 195: 23-29, 2016. (中科院)

  17. rongrong ji, donglin cao, yiyi zhou, fuhai chen. survey of visual sentiment prediction for social media analysis. frontiers of computer science, 10(4): 602-611, 2016. (中科院三)

  18. yue gao, weizhi nie, anan liu, yuting su, qionghai dai, le an, fuhai chen, et al. shrec'16 track: 3d object retrieval with multimodal views. eurographics workshop on 3d object retrieval, 129-136, 2016 (eurographics 2016). (ccf-b)

  19. fuhai chen, yue gao, donglin cao, rongrong ji. multimodal hypergraph learning for microblog sentiment prediction. ieee international conference on multimedia and expo, 1-6, 2015 (icme 2015). (ccf-b)

  20. chao chen, fuhai chen, donglin cao, rongrong ji. a cross-media sentiment analytics platform for microblog. acm international conference on multimedia, 767-769, 2015 (acm mm 2015). (ccf-a)

  21. fei chao, fuhai chen, yunhang shen, wenli he, yan sun, zhengshuai wang, changle zhou, min jiang. robotic free writing of chinese characters via human-robot interactions. international journal of humanoid robotics, 11(01): 1450007, 2014. (中科院)
