职称 教授
职务 博士生导师
主讲课程 软件定义网络、软件工程、面向对象程序设计
研究方向 软件定义网络、医学人工智能等
办公室 计算机与大数据学院2号楼504-2
张栋,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任福州大学至诚学院副院长兼计算机工程系主任。本、硕、博就读于浙江大学。2010年博士毕业于浙江大学计算机科学与技术专业。作为国家公派留学访问学者,2018.9—2019.9赴美国阿拉巴马大学访学。主要从事软件定义网络、网络安全、医学人工智能等方面的研究工作,先后在infocom、icnp、iwqos、icc、globecom、ieee communications surveys & tutorials、jsac、ton、tcc、jpdc、电子学报等国内外知名会议或期刊发表论文数十篇。承担国家重点研发计划课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国高校产学研基金、福建省引导性重点项目等,获福建省科学技术一等奖1项、三等奖1项、福建省教学成果奖特等奖1项。指导学生获iwqos最佳论文奖、infocom最佳论文候选奖、中国高校计算机大赛——网络技术挑战赛一等奖(全国第一)等奖项。
1. j. cai, h. lin, t. sun, z. zhou, l. zhu, h. chen, ji. zhou, d. zhang*, c. wu. openint: dynamic in-band network telemetry with lightweight deployment and flexible planning[c]//2024 ieee conference on computer communications (infocom), 2024: 1-10. (ccf-a)
2. x. chen, h. liu, q. huang, d. zhang*, h. zhou, c. wu, x. liu, mk. khan. stalker attacks: imperceptibly dropping sketch measurement accuracy on programmable switches[j]. ieee transactions on information forensics and security, 2023, 18: 5832-5847. (ccf-a, 中科院一区top)
3. b. he, d. zhang*, s.w loke, s. lin, l. lu. buildinga hierarchical architecture and communication model for the quantum internet[j]. ieee journal on selected areas in communications, 2023. (ccf-a,中科院一区top)
4. d. zhang*, z. zheng, x. lin, x. chen, c. wu. dynamic backup sharing scheme of service function chains in nfv[j]. china communications, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 178-190, may 2022, doi: 10.23919/jcc.2021.00.008.
5. 张栋*, 郭俊杰, 吴春明. 层次型多中心的sdn控制器部署[j]. 电子学报, 2017,45(3):680-686. (ccf-a)
6. x. chen, c. wu, x. liu, q. huang, d. zhang, et al. empowering network security with programmable switches: a comprehensive survey[j]. ieee communications surveys & tutorials, doi: 10.1109/comst.2023.3265984. (中科院一区top,影响因子35.6)
7. x. chen, q. huang, p. wang, h. liu, y. chen, d. zhang, et al. mtp: avoiding control plane overload with measurement task placement[c]//ieee infocom 2021 - ieee conference on computer communications. ieee 2021: 1-10. (ccf-a, best paper candidate)
8. x. chen, q. huang, p. wang, z. meng, h. liu, d. zhang, et al. lightnf: simplifying network function offloading in programmable networks[c]//2021 ieee/acm 29th international symposium on quality of service (iwqos). ieee/acm, 2021: 1-10. (ccf-b, best paper award)
9. x. chen, h. liu, q. huang, d. zhang, h. zhou, c. wu, x. liu. toward scalable and low-cost traffic testing for evaluating ddos defense solutions[j]. ieee/acm transactions on networking, 2023: 1-16. (ccf-a)
10. x. chen, h. liu, q. xiao, j. zhang, q. huang, d. zhang, x. liu, c. wu. melody: toward resource-efficient packet header vector encoding on programmable switches[c]//2023 ieee conference on computer communications (infocom), 2023: 1-10. (ccf-a)
11. x. chen, h. liu, t. sun, q. huang, d. zhang, x. liu, b. zhou, h. zhou, c. wu. excalibur: a scalable and low-cost traffic testing framework for evaluating ddos defense solutions[c]//2023 ieee conference on computer communications (infocom), 2023: 1-10. (ccf-a)
12. d. kong, y. shen, x. chen, q. cheng, h. liu, d. zhang, et al. combination attacks and defenses on sdn topology discovery[j]. ieee/acm transactions on networking, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 904-919, april 2023, doi: 10.1109/tnet.2022.3203561. (ccf-a)
13. x. chen, d. zhang, et al. eliminating control plane overload via measurement task placement[j]. ieee/acm transactions on networking, 2022, doi: 10.1109/tnet.2022.3223420. (ccf-a)
14. x. chen, h. liu, q. huang, d. zhang, et al. toward low-latency and accurate state synchronization for programmable networks[j]. ieee/acm transactions on networking, 2022, doi: 10.1109/tnet.2022.3218446. (ccf-a)
15. h. liu, x. chen, q. huang, d. kong, j. sun, d. zhang, et al. escala: timely elastic scaling of control channels in network measurement[c]//ieee infocom 2022 - ieee conference on computer communications, 2022, pp. 1848-1857. (ccf-a)
16. x. chen, h. liu, j. guo, x. jiang, q. huang, d. zhang, et al. torp: full-coverage and low-overhead profiling of host-side latency[c]//ieee infocom 2022 - ieee conference on computer communications, 2022, pp. 1349-1358. (ccf-a)
17. x. chen, h. liu, d. zhang, et al. empowering ddos attack mitigation with programmable switches[j]. ieee network, doi: 10.1109/mnet.107.2100643. (中科院一区top,影响因子9.3)
18. d. kong, z. zhou, y. shen, x. chen, q. cheng, d. zhang*, c. wu. in-band network telemetry manipulation attacks and countermeasures in programmable networks[c]//2023 ieee/acm 31st international symposium on quality of service (iwqos), 2023: 1-10. (ccf-b)
19. l. zhu, j. yu, j. cai, j. pan, z. li, z. zhou, d. zhang*, et al. frod: an efficient framework for optimizing decision trees in packet classification[c]//2022 ieee/acm 30th international symposium on quality of service (iwqos). ieee/acm, 2022: 1-10.(ccf-b)
20. 张栋, 陈凯, 颜建英, 朱丹红, 叶东毅. 基于隐马尔科夫模型的胎盘植入产前诊断方法[j]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2017,30(4):353-358. (ccf-b)
21. x. chen, h. liu, d. zhang*, et al. automatic performance-optimal offloading of network functions on programmable switches[j]. ieee transactions on cloud computing, doi: 10.1109/tcc.2022.3149817. (ccf-c, 云计算顶刊)
22. b. he, d. zhang*, c. zhao. hidden markov model-based load balancing in data center networks[j]. the computer journal, 2019,12. (ccf-b,wilkes award)
23. yu c, lian q, zhang d*, et al. pame: evolutionary membrane computing for virtual network embedding[j]. journal of parallel and distributed computing, 2018, 111: 136-151.(ccf-b)
24. l. zhu, j. yu, l. huang, l. zheng, j. pan, z. zhou, h. chen, d zhang*, x. chen, c. wu. micuts: combing bit-based cutting and splitting for efficient packet classification[c]//2023 ieee international conference on communications (icc), 2023: 2345-2350. (ccf-c, ieee旗舰会议)
25. chen x, zhang d*, zhou h. matreduce: towards high-performance p4 pipeline by reducing duplicate match operations[c]//2018 ieee global communications conference (globecom). ieee, 2018: 1-7.(ccf-c,ieee旗舰会议)
26. 张栋, 彭建云, 余春艳. 稳定音色的音乐语音变调方法[j]. 计算机工程, 2018, 44(003):315-321. (ccf-c)
27. h. liu, x. chen, y. shen, d. zhang, c. wu. optimizing program deployment with libopl in programmable networks[c]//2023 20th annual ieee international conference on sensing, communication, and networking (secon), 2023: 348-356. (ccf-b)
28. h. liu, x. chen, y. shen, q. huang, z. zhou, d. zhang, c. wu. vulnerabilities and attacks of inter-device coordination in programmable networks[c]// 2023 ieee/acm 31st international symposium on quality of service (iwqos), 2023: 01-10. (ccf-b)
29. s. zheng, d. zhang, c. yu, d. zhu, l. zhu, h. liu, z. huang. vision transformer with progressive tokenization for ct metal artifact reduction[c]//2023 ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (icassp), 2023: 1-5. (ccf-b)
30. x. chen, h. liu, q. xiao, k. guo, t. sun, x. ling, x. liu, q. huang, d. zhang, et al. toward low-overhead inter-switch coordination in network-wide data plane program deployment[c]//2022 ieee 42nd international conference on distributed computing systems (icdcs), bologna, italy, 2022, pp. 370-380. (ccf-b)
31. z. zhou, j. lv, l. cheng, x. cheng, t. zhang, q. huang, j. luo, l. zhu, d. zhang, et al. sketchguide: reconfiguring sketch-based measurement on programmable switches[c]// 2022 ieee 30th international conference on network protocols (icnp), lexington, ky, usa, 2022, pp. 1-11.(ccf-b)
32. x. chen, q. huang, d. zhang, et al. approsync: approximate state synchronization for programmable networks[c]//2020 ieee 28th international conference on network protocols (icnp). ieee, 2020: 1-12.(ccf-b)
33. x. chen, h. liu, q. huang, p. wang, d. zhang, et al. speed: resource-efficient and high-performance deployment for data plane programs[c]//2020 ieee 28th international conference on network protocols (icnp). ieee, 2020: 1-12.(ccf-b)
34. 林秀娇, 张栋, 黄明毅,等. 计算机辅助诊断根尖x线片图像中恒牙邻面龋初探[j]. 中华口腔医学杂志, 2020, 55(09):654-660.(口腔医学顶刊)
1. 张栋, 林为伟, 叶福玲. 基于自动化评测的软件定义网络虚拟仿真实验平台[j].实验技术与管理,2019,36(07):83-86.
2. 叶福玲, 张栋, 林为伟. 基于软件定义网络的安全攻防虚拟仿真实战平台[j].实验技术与管理,2018,35(11):125-129.
3. 林为伟, 张栋, 叶福玲. 面向数据平面p4编程的虚拟仿真实验教学平台[j]. 中国现代教育装备,2019(19):38-40 48.
4. 林为伟, 张栋 ,叶福玲. 工程教育认证驱动下的软件工程实践课程改革[j]. 计算机教育,2019(04):159-162.
5. zhu d , zhang d , he b , et al. design and implementation of an experimental teaching scheme for the development of sdn northbound applications[c]// 2019 14th international conference on computer science & education (iccse). 2019.
6. 张栋, 苏晓强. 开放模式的软件工程实践教学探索[j]. 计算机教育,2016(7):149-153.
7. 张栋, 余春艳. 基于校企合作的嵌入式复合型人才培养[j]. 计算机教育, 2013(22):16-18.
2022年度 福建省教学成果奖 特等奖(排名第2)
2019年度 福建省科学技术一等奖(排名第3):危重症孕产妇三级转诊、救治综合体系建立及关键技术推广应用
2019年度 第五届全国高等学校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛,三等奖:基于cvm/kvm的软件定义网络虚拟仿真实验平台
2019年度 福州大学教学成果奖二等奖(排名第1):教学科研互促的软件定义网络课程建设的探索与实践
2018年度 福州大学教学成果奖二等奖(排名第1):“用以致学”的软件工程实践课程改革的实践与创新
2018年度 nasac全国软件工程教学案例竞赛优秀奖:毕设选导系统的原型设计、结对编程及git版本控制
2018年度 第十一届全国高等学校计算机实践教学论坛暨第二届中国计算机实践教育学术会议(cpec2018)优秀论文
2018年度 第二届全国计算机类课程实验教学案例设计竞赛二等奖
2018年度 福州大学阳光奖教金。
2017年度 第一届全国高等学校计算机教育教学青年教师优秀论文奖,二等奖
2016年度 福州大学优秀共产党员
2015年度 福建省科学技术三等奖(排名第3):家庭影音云终端的研制与产业化